I hear that so often it makes me slightly nauseated but at the same time
it's true. Thing is I feel like I have to say it to others. You have
your child, and at some point they will walk, talk and do all the things
an a typical kid does. I don't know how far my daughter will get. Of
course I pray and hope she will do all those things but it may a harder, longer road.
By no means do I make less of that persons struggles but you have to
keep in mind that we all have or strengths and weaknesses. We each
handle adversity in our own way. I
try am grateful for what I have but it doesn't make my pain less. It doesn't mean I don't grieve for the possible struggles Aaliyah will encounter. The things she might miss out on. The things I might miss out on.
The road as a parent is hard, with out the additional problems, and tragedies that we have encountered. We may just have one baby but our baby faces things that I pray she overcomes. Her path from the day she was born is an uphill battle. There is no surgery to fix what is wrong. No magic pill to balance her condition. Not that it is a bad thing, or that I love her less but life can be so hard with out the struggles she will face.
One thing I will continue to get pissed about is when people say be happy you have Aaliyah... Aaliyah no matter how loved she is, how perfect she is does not make up for losing Natalia. Natalia is a different baby girl, Aaliyah can not replace her.
Well done for now. I will be posting a blog real soon with some of Aaliyahs artwork.
Bye for now.