a state of utter confusion or disorder; a total lackof organization or order.
any confused, disorderly mass:
a chaos of meaningless phrases.
(initial capital letter) the personification of this inany of several ancient Greek myths.
Obsolete. a chasm or abyss.
Sometimes as a parent no matter how much you plan and prepare there is still chaos. Why? Simply put kids are bundles of energy who planning and preparing do not factor in for. They are irrational little creatures but we love them.
I know to some it's overwhelming because of their need for order. For me I am more particular about how I organize things that I put away. So as odd as it sounds I can handle a messy room if in my head I have some semblance of order. Example the girls playroom it's what most would consider a mess. As long as the books are on the shelves, the little people in their corner and her kitchen stuff against the wall, I'm okay. I don't care that her cars, or dolls are all over. Or that stuff from the toy box is on the floor. Aaliyah's room has to be perfect. Why I don't know. Melodys on the other hand as long as her clothes are neat, I feel fine.
I'm an overpacker. Each girl has their own backpack, one diaper backpack and a medical backpack. Most times we travel at a distance to see family. Not ridiculously far but far enough if we need something we will have to buy it. It's hard to travel with Aaliyah, so we don't want to have to head home if she needs something. So I overpack and it helps us contain our chaos a bit.
Kids have bad days, same as adults. Difference is their brains don't know many ways to express themselves, so it resorts in outburst a lot of the time. Many are quick to say spanking will solve that. Timeout will fix that. Which is right? Which is wrong? I'm still not sure of what I want to do and at this time am taking it one situation at a time.
I'm trying hard to find ways to communicate with Aaliyah because of course with her delays and not knowing how much she understands makes it difficult. Sometimes I think she understands a lot, other times I'm not sure she does at all.
Melody is a whole other story. She is a bright, caring toddler but she's only one and half. So I remind myself often of that. Her not speaking does complicate things a lot. We will have an evaluation on Monday and hopefully get started on therapy to help with that. I try to talk to her but when she doesn't talk, refuses to try sign language and doesn't really pay attention to the flash cards we have on emotions.
My chaos theory is that life isn't a smooth road. It's a bumpy one with twist and turns, with highs and lows. All we can do is try our best and never stop learning. Never stop adapting. Never think that their is only one way and be open to what others say. Don't be scared of chaos because out of it can come beautiful things.
I know to some it's overwhelming because of their need for order. For me I am more particular about how I organize things that I put away. So as odd as it sounds I can handle a messy room if in my head I have some semblance of order. Example the girls playroom it's what most would consider a mess. As long as the books are on the shelves, the little people in their corner and her kitchen stuff against the wall, I'm okay. I don't care that her cars, or dolls are all over. Or that stuff from the toy box is on the floor. Aaliyah's room has to be perfect. Why I don't know. Melodys on the other hand as long as her clothes are neat, I feel fine.
I'm an overpacker. Each girl has their own backpack, one diaper backpack and a medical backpack. Most times we travel at a distance to see family. Not ridiculously far but far enough if we need something we will have to buy it. It's hard to travel with Aaliyah, so we don't want to have to head home if she needs something. So I overpack and it helps us contain our chaos a bit.
Kids have bad days, same as adults. Difference is their brains don't know many ways to express themselves, so it resorts in outburst a lot of the time. Many are quick to say spanking will solve that. Timeout will fix that. Which is right? Which is wrong? I'm still not sure of what I want to do and at this time am taking it one situation at a time.
I'm trying hard to find ways to communicate with Aaliyah because of course with her delays and not knowing how much she understands makes it difficult. Sometimes I think she understands a lot, other times I'm not sure she does at all.
Melody is a whole other story. She is a bright, caring toddler but she's only one and half. So I remind myself often of that. Her not speaking does complicate things a lot. We will have an evaluation on Monday and hopefully get started on therapy to help with that. I try to talk to her but when she doesn't talk, refuses to try sign language and doesn't really pay attention to the flash cards we have on emotions.
My chaos theory is that life isn't a smooth road. It's a bumpy one with twist and turns, with highs and lows. All we can do is try our best and never stop learning. Never stop adapting. Never think that their is only one way and be open to what others say. Don't be scared of chaos because out of it can come beautiful things.