Thursday, February 23, 2017


I'd always wanted children. My dream had been to be a wife and mother. The first part was already true, had been for awhile. The second part had come true just a few short weeks before. On this day five years ago a bigger dream came true. You see from a very young age my mother can tell you I had to have two dolls minimum always. Why? I wanted twins.

I dreamed from a young age of having twins. I mean actual dreams of them. Funny thing it was five kids. Two sets of twins and single. I dreamed of having girls the most but I also dreamed my youngest would be a boy. So there we were first ultrasound and of all things twins. Identical to boot. I was told the risk. I was told I'd be watched closely. All I could think about was thank you God, thank you.

Now if you've read my blog you know how this story goes. Even with how things have gone. With the good and the bad.  I think thank you God , thank you.